What’s The Phil Herman Coaching Difference?
If you are on this site, reading this page, it means that you have reached a crossroads in your career. YOU ARE EITHER READY TO TAKE YOUR BUSINESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL, OR YOU ARE WONDERING WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO DO THAT.
There are quite a few options and resources out there if you are a real estate agent who has reached this point in your career. Yes, you are on the right track, you can definitely benefit from a mentor and coach to help you take your business to the next level. In fact, often, that’s the only way you can, with the guidance and mentorship of a coach.
Even Michael Jordan Needed a Coach!
There’s no doubt about the benefits of working with a coach. Even professional athletes like Michael Jordan or David Beckham, who are the cream of the crop and may be the best in the world at what they do, still need a coach. In fact, they rely on that coach to keep them at the top of their game. The mental strains of performing at that level make it almost impossible to succeed without a coach.
A Road Map to Success (and Accountability)
In sports or in real estate, a coach helps you in so many ways. They give you perspective. They help you set and establish goals, and more importantly, they hold you accountable. Having gone through what you’ve gone through, they can help guide you and avoid the pitfalls and traps they bumped into coming up, and they can help accelerate your growth process. They can give you a detailed road map to success and keep you on track and on task.
Perhaps one of the most critical things a good real estate coach will do is help you not only change, improve and refine your processes, systems and how you conduct the day to day routines of working real estate, they will help your change the way you “THINK!”
However, not all real estate coaches are created equal. It’s important to find a coach who fits your personality and understands your goals and what you want to accomplish. You want a coach who has experienced the same trials and tribulations you run into every day.
So how do you select the right coach? You have options:
Coaching Mills
You can choose to coach with one of the “large” coaching organizations out there. You know, the celebrity coach who started the business, got out of real estate and his or her sole focus is on recruiting mass numbers of agents to sign up for their “one-size-fits-all” coaching and assign you to a team member from their large coaching staff. This type of coaching can be helpful for some agents, typically newer agents. If you are a more experienced agent looking to make a big and strategic breakthrough, you may need something more.
Personal Coach
If you are a more seasoned agent, or even a newer agent who is looking to make a big gain, a big breakthrough, you want to find an established “one-on-one” coach. However, you need to look for someone who is/was a top producing agent. You want to be sure that this coach is teaching you from experience, and not parroting back ideas and thoughts from some corporate coaching training agenda, and may not have a clue how that training tip works in the real world, or if it does. They just don’t have the context one would normally glean from having gone through that, and that context is critical for a coach to know so they can tailor how to adjust or tweak that advice. Ideally, you want someone who is still a practicing agent, who is out there experiencing TODAY’s real estate world, and not some retired agent who may have lost touch with the day to day grind, or who hasn’t kept up with the changes going on in the industry.
In fact, you need to ask yourself, “if this person coaching me is supposedly so knowledgeable about what it takes to succeed in real estate, why are they coaching and not out there making a killing in real estate?”
The Phil Herman Difference
And that, in a nutshell, describes why Phil Herman is the ideal coaching resource for you. For some agents (not everyone is ready for the level and intensity that Phil coaches at), Phil will be the ideal coach to help them take their business to the next level. Phil has a pretty unique “calling card” that he brings to the agents he teaches and coaches: he is teaching the very principles, tactics, strategies, scripts and ideas he is using day in and day out to carve out a very lucrative business in real estate.
Over the years, Phil has participated in over 7,000 transaction sides. That’s a lot of experience under his belt. Think of it this way: working on and completing over 7,000 transactions represents a lot of painful lessons Phil had to learn and endure. These are painful lessons that made him a stronger agent and person. More importantly, a SMARTER agent and person. That’s the Phil Herman Difference. Phil uses this experience to coach you and help you AVOID having to go through the same pain to acquire that same knowledge.
But the most unique calling card Phil brings is that he is a practicing real estate agent. He is not retired and “dabbling” in coaching to keep himself busy. He is out in the day to day grind, just like you. He is facing the ever changing real estate landscape and that keeps him sharp and up to date on what you have to face, too. It’s your proof that you will “learn from a real agent who not only talks the talk, but walks the walk.” For Phil, a strong believer in the daily struggle to improve himself, as well as a strong believer in karma, Phil truly enjoys giving back to his industry and helping “hungry” agents like himself notch up and take their business to the next level.
If you are curious about working with a coach to take your business to the next level, fill out the form below to set up a consultation with Phil. No obligation, it’s just the first step to see if his coaching is right for you.